Good News Center

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Good News Center

Welcome to the Good News Center website! We're so happy that you decided to stop by! If you're in the area at the time of our services, we'd love for you to come by for a visit! Or we have live streaming of our services available. If you have questions, then please contact us as soon as possible!

We are Christians who meet regularly as a local, New Testament church. Our primary interest is to carry out our Lord's commission in Matthew 28:19,20 to preach the Good News and to baptize and teach believers to observe all things commanded by the Lord. We firmly embrace the faith which was once delivered by the Lord and His apostles, believing that the Bible is Divinely-inspired and is worthy of being our only creed and infallible guide. We have a deep commitment to Biblical Christianity.

We gather as an assembly in and unto the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, claiming His promise that He is in the midst (Matthew 18:20). We have no denominational affiliation and are self-supported. We do not have a visible, earthly head or central headquarters, but are solely responsible to Christ who is the risen Head of the church. We acknowledge elders in the assembly to whom God has entrusted responsibility. They teach the Bible by their lives and their words.




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248, Franklin Avenue, Vandergrift Heights, Vandergrift, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, 15690, United States of America
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